of Sports Management

of Sports Management

Instructions for Authors
Journal is issued 2 times a year. We accept only the paper in English language that are authentic, original, concerned with new ideas and thematically and conceptually related with portfolio of journal. Peer review is ‘double blind’ Two reviews are sought, with reviewers providing commentary / feedback to the author(s); together with information confidential to the Editor and Editorial Administrator (and where required the Associate Editor), consisting of an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the submission and a recommendation in terms of the decision for publication, revision and resubmission, or rejection. The decision to publish, require amendments or reject is based on the recommendations of the reviewers with the Editor adjudicating if a consensus has not been reached..
In order to accept the papers by editorial board, it is necessary to follow the instructions and template
Release dates
Journal is issued twice a year in June and December
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Development of sport management
Contact Details
Institut of Sport Management
Sivá 1127/3
010 03 Žilina, Slovakia
e-mail: insportman@
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